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My name is Weimich. I have been working in digital signal processing for embedded systems more than thirty years. I want to write series of articles on digital signal processing, providing them with source codes in the C programming language as examples. I will also use the Octave Tool for mathematical calculations, and you will also be able to view the source texts of these scripts. You can download all the source codes from my page as freeware SW.
The articles will be divided in two categories (themes): programming and digital signal processing. The first category (programming) will include articles describing algorithms that will be used later for digital processing. For example, algorithms for sorting, searching and so on. The second category (digital signal processing) will include articles on FIR / IIR filters, adaptive filters, Fourier transform and etc.
If you have any questions or comments, you can write to me using the tab “Contact Me”
I hope that my articles will arouse some of your interest.
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